Scraping two-column PDFs in R

What I was trying to do

Scrape text from PDFs where the text was laid out in two columns.

What I tried first: pdftools and readr

Many text scraping tutorials in R recommend using pdftools to extract text from a PDF file. So far, so straightforward.


text <- pdf_text("my_file.pdf")

That results in a character vector, but it still needs cleaning -- each element in the vector is a chunk of text, and there's loads of whitespace throughout. One way to clean things up is to readr::read_lines() to expand out the vector so that each line in the file is its own element, and then use stringr::str_squish() to trim whitespace.

lines <- readr::read_lines(text) %>%

However, when looking at the results, it became clear that the text had been garbled. Rather than reading text in line-by-line within one column before moving to the next, pdftools::pdf_text()` read text in line-by-line across both columns.

What I ended up using: tabulizer

I ended up switching from pdftools to tabulizer, which uses the Tabula Java library to extract tables and text from PDFs. Its extract_text() function correctly read the text going down one column first, then the other, and even returned the result as a single element in a character vector.

lines <- tabulizer::extract_text("my_file.pdf") %>% 

A word about the second part of this code snippet. As it turned out, the output of extract_text() was too long to bind to a data frame record as I needed to do next. The text was getting truncated. To address that problem, I split the scraped text along carriage returns with stringr::str_split(), resulting in a list of lines. This list could then be bound in its entirety to the data frame and written to an RDS file.